Thursday, November 4, 2010

Who's Making Money


Winter’s Bone is a tense, dreary affair, consisting almost exclusively of characters devoid of vitality or a sense of humor. It’s a thriller, but not in the traditional sense; the thrill stems more from the grim, desperate atmosphere that pervades every frame than it does any acts of violence or terror. Thrust in the middle of this ordeal is the poor but resilient Ree Dolly, who at only 16, is already tasked with taking care of her two younger siblings and near vegetative mother. Her life gets considerably more complicated when she discovers that her criminal father, who’s nowhere to be found, put up their house as collateral for his bail. So off she goes, facing down the stoic yet threatening glares of her drug-addled rural community in hopes of finding her father and keeping her destitute family intact. Were it not for the film’s penchant for cultural authenticity, the story might not be as engaging as it is, but the neorealist approach allows the film to operate at a slow-burn pace without ever becoming boring. Unlike what you might expect from a more mainstream Hollywood effort, the conflict here isn’t simply solving the mystery of where the father is and why; it’s about hoping you can make it another day without going to bed hungry, if there’s even a bed left to go to at all.

Available on Blu-ray? Yes.

Notable Extras: DVD & Blu-ray – Director’s commentary, deleted scenes, and a making-of featurette.

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This is Terrific <b>News</b> | RedState

I just heard that Jeb Hensarling is going to run for Conference Chair to replace Mike Pence. This is terrific news. Hensarling is one of the most substantive.

<b>News</b> Corp. Says MySpace Losses Unsustainable | Peter Kafka <b>...</b>

That big Myspace relaunch we read about last week? That's all fine and good. But the troubled Web property is a...really troubled Web property, its News Corp. parent stressed today. And it needs to get its act together before it gets ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

bench craft company


Winter’s Bone is a tense, dreary affair, consisting almost exclusively of characters devoid of vitality or a sense of humor. It’s a thriller, but not in the traditional sense; the thrill stems more from the grim, desperate atmosphere that pervades every frame than it does any acts of violence or terror. Thrust in the middle of this ordeal is the poor but resilient Ree Dolly, who at only 16, is already tasked with taking care of her two younger siblings and near vegetative mother. Her life gets considerably more complicated when she discovers that her criminal father, who’s nowhere to be found, put up their house as collateral for his bail. So off she goes, facing down the stoic yet threatening glares of her drug-addled rural community in hopes of finding her father and keeping her destitute family intact. Were it not for the film’s penchant for cultural authenticity, the story might not be as engaging as it is, but the neorealist approach allows the film to operate at a slow-burn pace without ever becoming boring. Unlike what you might expect from a more mainstream Hollywood effort, the conflict here isn’t simply solving the mystery of where the father is and why; it’s about hoping you can make it another day without going to bed hungry, if there’s even a bed left to go to at all.

Available on Blu-ray? Yes.

Notable Extras: DVD & Blu-ray – Director’s commentary, deleted scenes, and a making-of featurette.

We encourage users to analyze, comment on and even challenge's articles, blogs, reviews and multimedia features.

User reviews and comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions.

bench craft company

This is Terrific <b>News</b> | RedState

I just heard that Jeb Hensarling is going to run for Conference Chair to replace Mike Pence. This is terrific news. Hensarling is one of the most substantive.

<b>News</b> Corp. Says MySpace Losses Unsustainable | Peter Kafka <b>...</b>

That big Myspace relaunch we read about last week? That's all fine and good. But the troubled Web property is a...really troubled Web property, its News Corp. parent stressed today. And it needs to get its act together before it gets ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

bench craft company

bench craft company

Kemang dimsum by Rionggo

bench craft company

This is Terrific <b>News</b> | RedState

I just heard that Jeb Hensarling is going to run for Conference Chair to replace Mike Pence. This is terrific news. Hensarling is one of the most substantive.

<b>News</b> Corp. Says MySpace Losses Unsustainable | Peter Kafka <b>...</b>

That big Myspace relaunch we read about last week? That's all fine and good. But the troubled Web property is a...really troubled Web property, its News Corp. parent stressed today. And it needs to get its act together before it gets ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

bench craft company


Winter’s Bone is a tense, dreary affair, consisting almost exclusively of characters devoid of vitality or a sense of humor. It’s a thriller, but not in the traditional sense; the thrill stems more from the grim, desperate atmosphere that pervades every frame than it does any acts of violence or terror. Thrust in the middle of this ordeal is the poor but resilient Ree Dolly, who at only 16, is already tasked with taking care of her two younger siblings and near vegetative mother. Her life gets considerably more complicated when she discovers that her criminal father, who’s nowhere to be found, put up their house as collateral for his bail. So off she goes, facing down the stoic yet threatening glares of her drug-addled rural community in hopes of finding her father and keeping her destitute family intact. Were it not for the film’s penchant for cultural authenticity, the story might not be as engaging as it is, but the neorealist approach allows the film to operate at a slow-burn pace without ever becoming boring. Unlike what you might expect from a more mainstream Hollywood effort, the conflict here isn’t simply solving the mystery of where the father is and why; it’s about hoping you can make it another day without going to bed hungry, if there’s even a bed left to go to at all.

Available on Blu-ray? Yes.

Notable Extras: DVD & Blu-ray – Director’s commentary, deleted scenes, and a making-of featurette.

We encourage users to analyze, comment on and even challenge's articles, blogs, reviews and multimedia features.

User reviews and comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain "signatures" by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Finally, we will take steps to block users who violate any of our posting standards, terms of use or privacy policies or any other policies governing this site. Please review the full rules governing commentaries and discussions.

bench craft company

Kemang dimsum by Rionggo

bench craft company

This is Terrific <b>News</b> | RedState

I just heard that Jeb Hensarling is going to run for Conference Chair to replace Mike Pence. This is terrific news. Hensarling is one of the most substantive.

<b>News</b> Corp. Says MySpace Losses Unsustainable | Peter Kafka <b>...</b>

That big Myspace relaunch we read about last week? That's all fine and good. But the troubled Web property is a...really troubled Web property, its News Corp. parent stressed today. And it needs to get its act together before it gets ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

bench craft company

Kemang dimsum by Rionggo

bench craft company

This is Terrific <b>News</b> | RedState

I just heard that Jeb Hensarling is going to run for Conference Chair to replace Mike Pence. This is terrific news. Hensarling is one of the most substantive.

<b>News</b> Corp. Says MySpace Losses Unsustainable | Peter Kafka <b>...</b>

That big Myspace relaunch we read about last week? That's all fine and good. But the troubled Web property is a...really troubled Web property, its News Corp. parent stressed today. And it needs to get its act together before it gets ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

bench craft company

This is Terrific <b>News</b> | RedState

I just heard that Jeb Hensarling is going to run for Conference Chair to replace Mike Pence. This is terrific news. Hensarling is one of the most substantive.

<b>News</b> Corp. Says MySpace Losses Unsustainable | Peter Kafka <b>...</b>

That big Myspace relaunch we read about last week? That's all fine and good. But the troubled Web property is a...really troubled Web property, its News Corp. parent stressed today. And it needs to get its act together before it gets ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

bench craft company

This is Terrific <b>News</b> | RedState

I just heard that Jeb Hensarling is going to run for Conference Chair to replace Mike Pence. This is terrific news. Hensarling is one of the most substantive.

<b>News</b> Corp. Says MySpace Losses Unsustainable | Peter Kafka <b>...</b>

That big Myspace relaunch we read about last week? That's all fine and good. But the troubled Web property is a...really troubled Web property, its News Corp. parent stressed today. And it needs to get its act together before it gets ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

bench craft company bench craft company
bench craft company

Kemang dimsum by Rionggo

bench craft company
bench craft company

This is Terrific <b>News</b> | RedState

I just heard that Jeb Hensarling is going to run for Conference Chair to replace Mike Pence. This is terrific news. Hensarling is one of the most substantive.

<b>News</b> Corp. Says MySpace Losses Unsustainable | Peter Kafka <b>...</b>

That big Myspace relaunch we read about last week? That's all fine and good. But the troubled Web property is a...really troubled Web property, its News Corp. parent stressed today. And it needs to get its act together before it gets ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

benchcraft company portland or

Recently, I've been researching heavily how to increase my online income. I figure I've been at this long enough that I should be making more money. While I make a more than decent living as a freelance writer, I have some goals I'm trying to reach - and that requires more than I'm making now.

That's how I came across the report, Teaching Sells: Forget Everything You Know About Making Money Online (And Start Making Some) on

What This Report is Not

When something is recommended a lot, you expect it to be chock full of new found, groundbreaking advice. You won't find such info here.

In fact, a few who've read it have commented that there's "nothing new" here. And, they're right. But, in my humble opinion, that's someone who's either so far advanced in the world of making money online that this report has no value for them, and/or someone who was looking for a new, quick-fix way to make money online (FYI, I hope you know there's no such thing).

What Makes Teaching Sells a Must-Read

So, then, what makes this report a must-read? Quite simply, it's the mindshift that it causes. You know how sometimes you can do the same thing, but depending on how your approach (ie, the mindset you bring to the problem), you get a different solution?

That's what this report does. It forces you to start thinking - not only out of the box - but above, beyond and over the box. Heck, it throws the box out the window and asks you to jump into a completely different box!

What's of Value to Freelance Writers in Teaching Sells

For one, the report deals in a genre freelance writers are already familiar with - content development. It talks about how to abandon the "give everything away for free" mindset, and how to start monetizing your knowledge. Eg, the report elaborates:

If you're blogging or otherwise creating content online in the hopes of making money, there's a good chance you're following a fairly complicated and time-consuming strategy. You've got to publish every day and attract lots of links, so that after a year or so, the Google Gods will bless you with plenty of long-tail search results that will bring you traffic. ... The money is pretty meager, but if you work hard, maybe one day it will add up to enough-if you just keep at it and never ever quit producing more and more free content. [Info reprinted from report at].

Teaching Sells' Solution: Create content once and sell it over and over.

Huh? That can be done.

Yes, and the report details why that's possible.

Conclusion: If you're serious about making money online and need a "mind shift," this report is a must read. As I wrote about in the article, Freelance Writers: Why Aren't You Making More Money?, sometimes it's the "little" things that get in the way of our success, not the biggies like money.

Other Notes:Teaching Sells is a 24-page FREE ebook. Get it at You do have to give your name and email address to sign up to receive it. They also offer a 12-week training course that shows you how to create content that sells.

Report was written by Brian Clark of

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